
Hertfordshire Junior Badminton Association

Ashaway - sponsors of HJBA

Last Updated: 9th July 2024


Welcome to the Hertfordshire Junior Badminton Association Home Page


U18 ICT 2024

Congratulations to the Hertfordshire U19 team on their success at the ICT recently. The team came a fantastic 10th. Well done to all the players and the coaching team!

Photo courtesy of Alan Spink at Action Photography ( Gallery).


The aim of our website is to provide you with all kinds of interesting information about junior badminton in and around the county and beyond. Should you be looking for information and news on senior badminton in Hertfordshire, please visit our other website by clicking here.

If you are aged 18 down to just 5 years and want to play badminton then look no further for the best playing opportunities in Hertfordshire. Whether you are looking for a club to join, a tournament to enter or some coaching to get you started or help you improve, just click on the buttons on the left and you will find information to help. Perhaps you are seeking doubles partners in which case we may also be able to help you. Just pop your requirements on an email and we will try to point you in the right direction.

We would like to hear your badminton stories so please send in items of news and pictures so that we can share them with your badminton friends. So don't just depend on Facebook, let us all know about your badminton exploits together with any associated pictures. As always, we depend on your ideas to help improve the site and provide the information that you need, so if you notice anything missing, please email us and let us know!

Latest News


The HJBA closed tournament schedule has now been released. These tournaments are only open to children born in, living in, attending school in or playing at a junior badminton club in Hertfordshire, or attending a school affiliated to HJBA. For more details please click HERE to go to the tournaments page.


HJBA County squad trials have already been held for the 2024/25 season, but if you missed them and want to be considered for one of the squads, please contact the relevant squad manager by e-mail -

Ware Badminton Club

If your club is closed or you just want more badminton, it would be great to see you at the Ware Summer Club.

Ware is one of the strongest and largest clubs in Herts, with a proud record of encouraging county juniors to play in a good quality senior club.

Our Summer Club is held at Wodson Park every Wednesday in June and July, 8:00pm-10:00pm.

Contact Andy Walden for more details - andywalden0@gmail.com or 07946 520813.

Hertford Badminton Club

Hertford Badminton Club are running a summer club at Ware Drill Hall on Monday evenings 19:30 - 21:30 from 13th May to 19th August. They have 4 courts and play with feather shuttles. Junior cost is £3.00, Adult £7.00. For more details contact Jackie Ward on 07716 250404.


Are you a school that runs badminton sessions? Want to keep informed about junior tournaments and teacher support? Affiliate to HJBA for free using this form for the 2024-25 season.


We have Facebook (HJBAbadminton) and Instagram (hertsjuniorbadminton) accounts which we are using to keep our members up to date with our latest news, so please sign up!


The Ray Learney Fund may be able to help with some of the fees incurred in becoming a qualified coach! More details on the coaching page.


Want to know in whose footsteps you are following? Check out the HJBA Honours Boards by clicking HERE!

Contact us | Kevin Maughan, Secretary Tel: 01438 712944 | e-mail: admin@hjba.org.uk | Facebook: HJBAbadminton

Disclaimer - Please note, no responsibility can be accepted by our Webmaster or Hertfordshire Junior Badminton Association
for loss occasioned to any person, for acting or refraining from acting, as a result of the information and materials given herein.